5th Allergy & the Skin study day

Tuesday 10th November 2015

Course directors

Prof Carsten Flohr

Prof Carsten Flohr

Head, Unit for Population-Based Dermatology Research
St. John’s Institute of Dermatology
Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London

Carsten Flohr studied at Cambridge and Oxford Universities and then trained in both paediatrics and dermatology. He was the first UK National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinician Scientist in Dermatology (2009-2014) and currently holds a senior Career Development Fellowship from the NIHR.

He directs the Unit for Population-Based Dermatology Research at St John’s Institute of Dermatology. Carsten Flohr is also a Professor at King’s College London and Honorary Consultant in Dermatology as well as Research & Development Lead at St John’s Institute of Dermatology, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.

Prof Flohr has a particular interest in population-based dermatology research and clinical trials with a focus on atopic eczema. For instance, he is Chief Investigator of the UK-Irish TREatment of severe eczema in children Trial (TREAT), which compares ciclosporine with methotrexate in children with recalcitrant atopic eczema. He is also Chief Investigator of the UK-Irish Atopic Eczema Systemic Therapy Register (A*STAR).

Prof Flohr is a Director of the International Eczema Council and Secretary of the British Society of Paediatric Dermatology. He also chairs the British Association of Dermatologists Biologics Intervention Register (BADBIR) Data Monitoring Committee.

He is Editor of the Evidence-Based Dermatology Section of the British Journal of Dermatology and the Clinical Trials Editor of the F1000 Atopic Dermatitis Section.