Allergy Academy Allergy in Practice Course (2022)
The Allergy in Practice course is designed to enhance knowledge and practical skills in the diagnosis and management of allergic disease. This course is targeted at those who have a basic understanding of allergic disease and may have attended single study days in the past, but are looking for a more comprehensive course to cover the core knowledge required for healthcare professionals working in allergy services.
Teaching methods will comprise 4 study days total. 3 days are planned as virtual teaching with an additional complementary face-to-face simulation day to consolidate core principles.
1. Virtual study days: 12th May, 13th May, 15th June 2022
2. Face-to-face study day: 16th June 2022
Education, Training & Recognition:
Following successful completion of the course you will have an enhanced understanding of allergic disease, focusing on the application of this knowledge in clinical situations, to guide clinical decision making and practice.
Students who have competed the course have fed back that they feel more confident in recognising presentations of allergic disease and participating in discussions with their colleagues about the management of their patients. Students have particularly enjoyed the interactive case discussions and practical hands on sessions. We have had students from a variety of areas on our past courses including nurses and dietitians from paediatric and adult allergy services, research nurses and dietitians, GPs and pediatricians with an interest in allergy.
There is the option to add academic accreditation at level 6 or 7, as part of a Work Based Learning (WBL) module with Kings College London. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/nursing/study/qualified/Work-Based-Learning.aspx
This course may benefit you if you would like to undertake a module in allergic disease as part of a degree or masters pathway.
"Am so much more confident answering questions about allergy, feel much more knowledgeable."
"I liked the use of case studies to illustrate concepts."
"Really helpful tips to take back to clinical practice."
"Block one was a consistently solid foundation to the course."
"The scenario based session was really good. I felt involved and able to use the knowledge gained in practice."
"Allergy can be complex. This course breaks it down allowing new practitioners to understand the basics."
"Can now do skin prick testing, learning to take history, Adrenaline pen training and Allergen avoidance teaching."
"Fabulous, informative and practical!"
"Almost entirely changes my approach to all my allergy patients in GP."
"Practical - clinical - evidence-based."
"More confident in interpreting SPT/sIgEs."
"Now checking on asthma if patient has food allergies."