#ALLERGYONLINE: Practical Food Allergy Study Day

Wednesday 3rd November 2021

Course directors

Dr Tom Marrs


Dr Tom Marrs

Consultant Paediatric Allergist in Children's Allergy Service at Guy's & St Thomas's Hospitals

Dr Tom Marrs is a Consultant in Paediatric Allergy working in the Children’s Allergies Department at St Thomas Hospital. Tom is also the director of the Allergy Academy. Tom read Medicine, Psychology and Medical Law at Clare College, Cambridge, before completing his clinical training at St Bartholomew’s and Royal London Medical School.

In 2011, Tom joined the team running the Enquiring About Tolerance (EAT) Study which investigated whether the early introduction of allergenic foods may prevent the development of food allergy. His research investigates how the microbiome influences the development of allergic disease. After his four years as Clinical Lecturer, he is now developing new initiatives within the Allergy Academy.

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