Peanut & Tree Nut allergy
Recently added:
Would I eat some safe nuts and avoid others?
Monday 16th July 2018Ms Rosalynd Gourgey RD
Title: Paediatric Allergy Dietitian
Place of Work: King’s College London, UK
COI: None
Selective nut eating tips
Monday 16th July 2018Ms Rosalynd Gourgey RD
Title: Paediatric Allergy Dietitian
Place of Work: King’s College London, UK
COI: None
Nut allergy of pollen food syndrome
Monday 16th July 2018Dr Isabel Skypala RD PhD
Title: Consultant allergy dietitian
Place of Work: Royal Brompton Hospital, UK
COI: None
How to introduce peanut into the infant diet
Monday 16th July 2018Dr Mary Feeney RD MSc
Title: Paediatric Allergy Dietitian
Place of Work: King’s College London
COI: Consultancy, honoraria & expenses from Nutricia, Allergy Therapeutics & Aimmune
Should I avoid ‘may contain traces’ foods?
Monday 16th July 2018Ms Kiran Tiwana RD
Title: Paediatric Allergy Dietitian
Place of Work: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
COI: None
Should I eat nuts while pregnant or breastfeeding?
Monday 16th July 2018Prof George Du Toit MBBCh
Title: Professor of Paediatric Allergy
Place of Work: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
COI: Consultancy, honoraria & expenses from DBV, Aimmune & Sanofi Genzyme; research funds from NIAID (to individual) and Aimmune (to institution); part ownership of Food Maestro
Should my baby avoid nuts?
Monday 16th July 2018Prof George Du Toit MBBCh
Title: Professor of Paediatric Allergy
Place of Work: Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
COI: Consultancy, honoraria & expenses from DBV, Aimmune & Sanofi Genzyme; research funds from NIAID (to individual) and Aimmune (to institution); part ownership of Food Maestro